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 SNK Playmore

Logo SNK Playmore (also known as SNK or Playmore) is a Japanese video game hardware and software company. The company's legal and trading name became SNK in 1986.

The original SNK was founded in Osaka, Japan, in July 1978 by Eikichi Kawasaki, and existed until October 22, 2001. Anticipating the end of his first company, Kawasaki founded the company Playmore in August 2001, which in 2003 became SNK Playmore. Due to this strong resemblance to the previous company both in name and identity, SNK Playmore is sometimes referred to simply as SNK.

SNK is most notable for creating the Neo-Geo arcade system and several franchises of games derived from it, including Sengoku, The King of Fighters, The Last Blade, Super Sidekicks, Art of Fighting, Metal Slug, Burning Fight, Samurai Shodown and Fatal Fury. SNK also helped publish third-party Neo-Geo games including ADK's World Heroes, Noise Factory's Rage of the Dragons and Sengoku 3, Galaxy Fight: Universal Warriors and Waku Waku 7 by Sunsoft, and the 1995 Double Dragon arcade game by Technos Japan for the Neo-Geo. Besides the Neo-Geo series of games, they are notable for some stand-alone arcade games and home console ports of them, including Vanguard, Athena, Ikari Warriors, Psycho Soldier, Touch Down Fever, P.O.W.: Prisoners of War and Street Smart.

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last modification: 23.09.2009, 21:02 (dj)

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