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DJ OldGames


Logo Infogrames Entertainment SA (IESA) is an international holding company headquartered in Villeurbanne, Lyon, France. It owns 51.2 percent of Atari, Inc., headquartered in New York, N.Y., USA, and Atari Europe. It was founded in 1983 by Bruno Bonnell and Christophe Sapet using the proceeds from an introductory computer book. Through its subsidiaries, Infogrames produces, publishes and distributes interactive games for all major video game consoles and computer game platforms.
last modification: 14.05.2008, 00:05 (dj)

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 Tomb Raider II, 22.02.2024
 Joust, 24.11.2023
 Fortress of Dr. Radiaki, The, 01.10.2023
 Rampage, 23.09.2023
 Lost Vikings 2: Norse by Norsewest, 03.07.2023
 Falcon, 03.05.2023
 Metal Gear, 18.10.2022
 Clock Tower, 26.09.2022
 RoboCop 2, 09.05.2022
 Ztracený ostrov, 01.05.2022
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