Staré hry a časopisy, Retrogaming

Staré hry :: DJ OldGames

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Najnovšie obrázky pridané užívateľmi: (200)
Screenshot  Pacific Islands |  deadly 26.11.2024, 09:44
Amiga; Hotovo!
Screenshot  Pacific Islands |  deadly 26.11.2024, 09:44
Amiga; Dalším cílem je radar.
Screenshot  Pacific Islands |  deadly 26.11.2024, 09:38
Amiga; Helikoptéra zničena!
Screenshot  Pacific Islands |  deadly 26.11.2024, 09:37
Amiga; Hlavním cílem je zničit na letišti helikoptéry.
Screenshot  Pacific Islands |  deadly 26.11.2024, 09:34
Amiga; Termovize pomáhá při střelbě na dálku.
Screenshot  Pacific Islands |  deadly 26.11.2024, 09:31
Amiga; T-72 v plamenech.
Screenshot  Pacific Islands |  deadly 26.11.2024, 08:56
Amiga; Byl to úspěšný útok.
Screenshot  Pacific Islands |  deadly 26.11.2024, 08:55
Amiga; Dostal jsem dalšího.
Screenshot  Pacific Islands |  deadly 26.11.2024, 08:51
Amiga; První střed s nepřítelem skončil 1:1.
Screenshot  Pacific Islands |  deadly 26.11.2024, 08:49
Amiga; Jdeme do toho.
Screenshot  Pacific Islands |  deadly 26.11.2024, 08:45
Amiga; Plán mise
Screenshot  Pacific Islands |  deadly 26.11.2024, 08:43
Amiga; Titulní obrazovka
Screenshot  Body Blows Galactic |  deadly 05.10.2024, 22:19
Amiga, Kai-Ti Wins
Screenshot  Body Blows Galactic |  deadly 05.10.2024, 22:19
Amiga, Azona vs Kai-Ti
Screenshot  Body Blows Galactic |  deadly 05.10.2024, 22:18
Amiga, Azona vs Kai-Ti - Fight!
Screenshot  Body Blows Galactic |  deadly 05.10.2024, 22:16
Amiga, Junior vs Warra
Screenshot  Body Blows Galactic |  deadly 05.10.2024, 22:15
Amiga, Lazer vs Dragon
Screenshot  Body Blows Galactic |  deadly 05.10.2024, 22:14
Amiga, Junior vs Tekno
Screenshot  Body Blows Galactic |  deadly 05.10.2024, 22:13
Amiga, Kai-Ti vs Phantom
Screenshot  Body Blows Galactic |  deadly 05.10.2024, 22:12
Amiga, Danny vs Warra
Screenshot  Body Blows Galactic |  deadly 05.10.2024, 22:11
Amiga, bojovníci
Screenshot  Falcon |  deadly 05.10.2024, 00:11
Amiga, Hory přede mnou
Screenshot  Falcon |  deadly 05.10.2024, 00:10
Amiga, Hory za mnou
Screenshot  Falcon |  deadly 05.10.2024, 00:09
Amiga, Venkovní pohled
Screenshot  Falcon |  deadly 05.10.2024, 00:08
Amiga, Pohled vpravo
Screenshot  Falcon |  deadly 05.10.2024, 00:05
Amiga, Ve vzduchu
Screenshot  Falcon |  deadly 05.10.2024, 00:03
Amiga, Na vzletové dráze
Screenshot  Falcon |  deadly 05.10.2024, 00:00
Amiga, Výzbroj
Screenshot  Falcon |  deadly 04.10.2024, 23:59
Amiga, Výběr mise
Screenshot  Falcon |  deadly 04.10.2024, 23:59
Amiga, Titulní obrazovka
Screenshot  Firewall: Man vs. Machine |  kloki38 25.06.2024, 18:46
Screenshot  Firewall: Man vs. Machine |  kloki38 25.06.2024, 18:46
Mira-12 osobne
Screenshot  Firewall: Man vs. Machine |  kloki38 25.06.2024, 18:45
Screenshot  Firewall: Man vs. Machine |  kloki38 25.06.2024, 18:45
Game over
Screenshot  Firewall: Man vs. Machine |  kloki38 25.06.2024, 18:45
Withim the Wall
Screenshot  Firewall: Man vs. Machine |  kloki38 25.06.2024, 18:44
Screenshot  Firewall: Man vs. Machine |  kloki38 25.06.2024, 18:43
Defence perimeter
Screenshot  Firewall: Man vs. Machine |  kloki38 25.06.2024, 18:42
Data Cleansing - puzzle
Screenshot  Firewall: Man vs. Machine |  kloki38 25.06.2024, 18:41
Data Cleansing - správca ?
Screenshot  Firewall: Man vs. Machine |  kloki38 25.06.2024, 18:41
Data Cleansing - začiatok
Screenshot  Firewall: Man vs. Machine |  kloki38 25.06.2024, 18:39
City of Light
Screenshot  Firewall: Man vs. Machine |  kloki38 25.06.2024, 18:39
Tunel - začiatok adventúrovského HUBu
Screenshot  Firewall: Man vs. Machine |  kloki38 25.06.2024, 18:38
Vo virtuálnej realite
Screenshot  Firewall: Man vs. Machine |  kloki38 25.06.2024, 18:37
Game over
Screenshot  Firewall: Man vs. Machine |  kloki38 25.06.2024, 18:37
Útok na pevnosť
Screenshot  Firewall: Man vs. Machine |  kloki38 25.06.2024, 18:37
Screenshot  Firewall: Man vs. Machine |  kloki38 25.06.2024, 18:36
Let do tajnej základne
Screenshot  Firewall: Man vs. Machine |  kloki38 25.06.2024, 18:35
Screenshot  Firewall: Man vs. Machine |  kloki38 25.06.2024, 18:35
Zničenie lodi
Screenshot  Firewall: Man vs. Machine |  kloki38 25.06.2024, 18:35
Ničenie satelitu
Screenshot  Curse of the Azure Bonds |  kloki38 01.06.2024, 10:26
Screenshot  Curse of the Azure Bonds |  kloki38 01.06.2024, 10:26
Tyranthraxus osobne
Screenshot  Curse of the Azure Bonds |  kloki38 01.06.2024, 10:25
Ruined Temple
Screenshot  Curse of the Azure Bonds |  kloki38 01.06.2024, 10:25
Screenshot  Curse of the Azure Bonds |  kloki38 01.06.2024, 10:24
Screenshot  Curse of the Azure Bonds |  kloki38 01.06.2024, 10:24
Screenshot  Curse of the Azure Bonds |  kloki38 01.06.2024, 10:24
Alias a Dragonbait
Screenshot  Curse of the Azure Bonds |  kloki38 01.06.2024, 10:23
Screenshot  Curse of the Azure Bonds |  kloki38 01.06.2024, 10:23
Screenshot  Curse of the Azure Bonds |  kloki38 01.06.2024, 10:22
Screenshot  Curse of the Azure Bonds |  kloki38 01.06.2024, 10:22
V meste
Screenshot  Curse of the Azure Bonds |  kloki38 01.06.2024, 10:21
Nočná mora
Screenshot  Curse of the Azure Bonds |  kloki38 01.06.2024, 10:21
Prvé znamenie je preč
Screenshot  Curse of the Azure Bonds |  kloki38 01.06.2024, 10:20
Screenshot  Curse of the Azure Bonds |  kloki38 01.06.2024, 10:20
Screenshot  Curse of the Azure Bonds |  kloki38 01.06.2024, 10:19
V kanáloch
Screenshot  Curse of the Azure Bonds |  kloki38 01.06.2024, 10:19
Screenshot  Curse of the Azure Bonds |  kloki38 01.06.2024, 10:18
Screenshot  Curse of the Azure Bonds |  kloki38 01.06.2024, 10:18
Kráľovský sprievod
Screenshot  Curse of the Azure Bonds |  kloki38 01.06.2024, 10:18
Na ulici
Screenshot  Curse of the Azure Bonds |  kloki38 01.06.2024, 10:17
Screenshot  Pool of Radiance |  kloki38 12.05.2024, 14:23
Tyranthraxus osobne
Screenshot  Pool of Radiance |  kloki38 12.05.2024, 14:22
V záhrade
Screenshot  Pool of Radiance |  kloki38 12.05.2024, 14:22
Skupina Ettinov
Screenshot  Pool of Radiance |  kloki38 12.05.2024, 14:22
Toľko medi hádam nemajú ani v zberných surovinách :D
Screenshot  Pool of Radiance |  kloki38 12.05.2024, 14:18
Ruina hradu v bažinách
Screenshot  Pool of Radiance |  kloki38 12.05.2024, 14:17
Screenshot  Pool of Radiance |  kloki38 12.05.2024, 14:17
Screenshot  Pool of Radiance |  kloki38 12.05.2024, 14:17
Bitka ako hrom
Screenshot  Pool of Radiance |  kloki38 12.05.2024, 14:16
Screenshot  Pool of Radiance |  kloki38 12.05.2024, 14:16
Sokol Keep
Screenshot  Pool of Radiance |  kloki38 12.05.2024, 14:16
Screenshot  Pool of Radiance |  kloki38 12.05.2024, 14:15
Screenshot  Pool of Radiance |  kloki38 12.05.2024, 14:15
Screenshot  Pool of Radiance |  kloki38 12.05.2024, 14:14
V knižnici
Screenshot  Pool of Radiance |  kloki38 12.05.2024, 14:14
Screenshot  Pool of Radiance |  kloki38 12.05.2024, 14:14
Screenshot  Pool of Radiance |  kloki38 12.05.2024, 14:14
Screenshot  Pool of Radiance |  kloki38 12.05.2024, 14:13
Screenshot  Pool of Radiance |  kloki38 12.05.2024, 14:13
Screenshot  Pool of Radiance |  kloki38 12.05.2024, 14:13
Screenshot  Pool of Radiance |  kloki38 12.05.2024, 14:13
Screenshot  Pool of Radiance |  kloki38 12.05.2024, 14:12
V lese
Screenshot  Pool of Radiance |  kloki38 02.05.2024, 11:16
Screenshot  Pool of Radiance |  kloki38 02.05.2024, 11:16
Cestovanie po svete
Screenshot  Pool of Radiance |  kloki38 02.05.2024, 11:16
Aukcia končí
Screenshot  Pool of Radiance |  kloki38 02.05.2024, 11:16
Screenshot  Pool of Radiance |  kloki38 02.05.2024, 11:15
Screenshot  Pool of Radiance |  kloki38 02.05.2024, 11:15
Screenshot  Pool of Radiance |  kloki38 02.05.2024, 11:15
Kostra elfa
Screenshot  Pool of Radiance |  kloki38 02.05.2024, 11:15
Screenshot  Pool of Radiance |  kloki38 02.05.2024, 11:15
Screenshot  Pool of Radiance |  kloki38 02.05.2024, 11:14
Screenshot  Pool of Radiance |  kloki38 02.05.2024, 11:14
Screenshot  Pool of Radiance |  kloki38 02.05.2024, 11:14
Kopec lootu
Screenshot  Pool of Radiance |  kloki38 02.05.2024, 11:13
Bitka s orkami
Screenshot  Pool of Radiance |  kloki38 02.05.2024, 11:13
Bitka v krčme
Screenshot  Pool of Radiance |  kloki38 02.05.2024, 11:13
Screenshot  Pool of Radiance |  kloki38 02.05.2024, 11:13
Screenshot  Pool of Radiance |  kloki38 02.05.2024, 11:12
Screenshot  Pool of Radiance |  kloki38 02.05.2024, 11:12
V obchode
Screenshot  Pool of Radiance |  kloki38 02.05.2024, 11:12
V meste
Screenshot  Pool of Radiance |  kloki38 02.05.2024, 11:12
Screenshot  Crazy Cars 3 |  deadly 07.04.2024, 13:06
Amiga (1994), Vsázím na své vítěství
Screenshot  Crazy Cars 3 |  deadly 07.04.2024, 13:02
Amiga (1994), ... ale taky ve dvou.
Screenshot  Crazy Cars 3 |  deadly 07.04.2024, 12:58
Amiga (1994), ... a taky ve městě
Screenshot  Crazy Cars 3 |  deadly 07.04.2024, 12:57
Amiga (1994), Závodí se v pošti
Screenshot  Crazy Cars 3 |  deadly 07.04.2024, 12:50
Amiga (1994), Výběr lokace
Screenshot  Crazy Cars 3 |  deadly 07.04.2024, 12:49
Amiga (1994), Titulní obrazovka
Screenshot  Tomb Raider II |  dj 06.03.2024, 09:56
Remaster 2024, Venice: Boat
Screenshot  Tomb Raider II |  dj 06.03.2024, 09:56
Remaster 2024, Venice
Screenshot  Tomb Raider II |  dj 06.03.2024, 09:56
Remaster 2024, Venice
Screenshot  Tomb Raider II |  dj 06.03.2024, 09:56
Remaster 2024, Great Wall: Killing the T-Rex
Screenshot  Tomb Raider II |  dj 06.03.2024, 09:56
Remaster 2024, Great Wall: Killing the Spiders
Screenshot  Tomb Raider II |  dj 06.03.2024, 09:55
Remaster 2024, Great Wall: Tiger
Screenshot  Tomb Raider II |  dj 06.03.2024, 09:55
Remaster 2024, Great Wall: Crow
Screenshot  Tomb Raider II |  dj 06.03.2024, 09:54
Remaster 2024, Great Wall - loading screen
Screenshot  Tomb Raider II |  dj 06.03.2024, 09:54
Remaster 2024, Lara`s Home - treasures
Screenshot  Tomb Raider II |  dj 06.03.2024, 09:54
Remaster 2024, Lara`s Home
Screenshot  Tomb Raider II |  dj 06.03.2024, 09:53
Remaster 2024, Title
Screenshot  Tomb Raider: Unfinished Business |  dj 28.02.2024, 09:42
Remastered, Temple of the Cat
Screenshot  Tomb Raider: Unfinished Business |  dj 28.02.2024, 09:42
Remastered, Top of the Temple of the Cat
Screenshot  Tomb Raider: Unfinished Business |  dj 28.02.2024, 09:41
Remastered, Mummy
Screenshot  Tomb Raider: Unfinished Business |  dj 28.02.2024, 09:41
Remastered, Oasis
Screenshot  Tomb Raider: Unfinished Business |  dj 28.02.2024, 09:40
Remastered, Cats
Screenshot  Tomb Raider: Unfinished Business |  dj 28.02.2024, 09:39
Remastered, Pyramid
Screenshot  Tomb Raider: Unfinished Business |  dj 28.02.2024, 09:39
Remastered, Underwater Lever
Screenshot  Tomb Raider: Unfinished Business |  dj 23.02.2024, 09:56
Remastered, Return to Egypt - start
Screenshot  Tomb Raider: Unfinished Business |  dj 23.02.2024, 09:55
Remastered, Return to Egypt - Loading screen
Screenshot  Tomb Raider: Unfinished Business |  dj 23.02.2024, 09:55
Remastered, Hive
Screenshot  Tomb Raider: Unfinished Business |  dj 23.02.2024, 09:54
Remastered, Hive
Screenshot  Tomb Raider: Unfinished Business |  dj 23.02.2024, 09:54
Remastered, Hive - Boulder Dash
Screenshot  Tomb Raider: Unfinished Business |  dj 23.02.2024, 09:53
Remastered, Atlantean Stronghold - killing Centaur
Screenshot  Tomb Raider: Unfinished Business |  dj 23.02.2024, 09:53
Remastered, Atlantean Stronghold
Screenshot  Tomb Raider: Unfinished Business |  dj 23.02.2024, 09:52
Remastered, Atlantean Stronghold
Screenshot  Tomb Raider: Unfinished Business |  dj 23.02.2024, 09:52
Remastered, Atlantean Stronghold
Screenshot  Tomb Raider: Unfinished Business |  dj 23.02.2024, 09:51
Remastered, Atlantean Stronghold
Screenshot  Tomb Raider: Unfinished Business |  dj 23.02.2024, 09:50
Remastered, Atlantean Stronghold - Loading screen
Screenshot  Wizardry 4: The Return of Werdna |  kloki38 18.02.2024, 19:37
Výsledné skóre
Screenshot  Wizardry 4: The Return of Werdna |  kloki38 18.02.2024, 19:37
Screenshot  Wizardry 4: The Return of Werdna |  kloki38 18.02.2024, 19:37
Nech žije kráľ Werdna !
Screenshot  Wizardry 4: The Return of Werdna |  kloki38 18.02.2024, 19:36
Stretnutie lordov Llylgamynu
Screenshot  Wizardry 4: The Return of Werdna |  kloki38 18.02.2024, 19:35
Platenie \"repárácií\"
Screenshot  Wizardry 4: The Return of Werdna |  kloki38 18.02.2024, 19:35
Screenshot  Wizardry 4: The Return of Werdna |  kloki38 18.02.2024, 19:34
Kúpeľ démonom moc nevonia...
Screenshot  Wizardry 4: The Return of Werdna |  kloki38 18.02.2024, 19:33
Skupinka zbitých hrdinov z dungeonu...Sorry.
Screenshot  Wizardry 4: The Return of Werdna |  kloki38 18.02.2024, 19:32
Takže takto vyzerá Gilgamesh Tavern
Screenshot  Wizardry 4: The Return of Werdna |  kloki38 18.02.2024, 19:32
Screenshot  Wizardry 4: The Return of Werdna |  kloki38 18.02.2024, 19:32
Vstup do hradu
Screenshot  Wizardry 4: The Return of Werdna |  kloki38 18.02.2024, 12:22
Slobodaaaaaa. Je čas na pomstu :)
Screenshot  Wizardry 4: The Return of Werdna |  kloki38 18.02.2024, 12:21
Screenshot  Wizardry 4: The Return of Werdna |  kloki38 18.02.2024, 12:21
Konečne som sa zbavil Treborovho ducha
Screenshot  Wizardry 4: The Return of Werdna |  kloki38 18.02.2024, 12:21
Pastva pre oči - posledný pentagram.
Screenshot  Wizardry 4: The Return of Werdna |  kloki38 18.02.2024, 12:20
Najťažšie boje sa odohrávajú v Cosmic Cube
Screenshot  Wizardry 4: The Return of Werdna |  kloki38 18.02.2024, 12:19
Cosmic Cube
Screenshot  Wizardry 4: The Return of Werdna |  kloki38 18.02.2024, 12:18
Už niet návratu
Screenshot  Wizardry 4: The Return of Werdna |  kloki38 18.02.2024, 12:17
V pekle
Screenshot  Wizardry 4: The Return of Werdna |  kloki38 18.02.2024, 12:17
Screenshot  Wizardry 4: The Return of Werdna |  kloki38 18.02.2024, 12:17
Screenshot  Wizardry 4: The Return of Werdna |  kloki38 18.02.2024, 12:17
Screenshot  Wizardry 4: The Return of Werdna |  kloki38 18.02.2024, 12:16
Screenshot  Wizardry 4: The Return of Werdna |  kloki38 18.02.2024, 12:16
Začína prituhovať
Screenshot  Tomb Raider |  dj 17.02.2024, 16:49
Remastered, Palace Midas: Lara turns into Gold
Screenshot  Tomb Raider |  dj 17.02.2024, 16:48
Remastered, Palace Midas
Screenshot  Tomb Raider |  dj 17.02.2024, 16:48
Remastered, Palace Midas: Garden
Screenshot  Tomb Raider |  dj 17.02.2024, 16:47
Remastered, Swimming
Screenshot  Tomb Raider |  dj 17.02.2024, 16:47
Remastered, Colosseum
Screenshot  Tomb Raider |  dj 17.02.2024, 16:46
Remastered, Take a breath with Lions
Screenshot  Tomb Raider |  dj 17.02.2024, 16:46
Remastered, Greece - Pool (old graphics)
Screenshot  Tomb Raider |  dj 17.02.2024, 16:45
Remastered, Greece - Pool (new graphics)
Screenshot  Tomb Raider |  dj 17.02.2024, 16:45
Remastered, St. Francis\' Folly
Screenshot  Tomb Raider |  dj 17.02.2024, 16:44
Remastered, Have a bath with Crocodile
Screenshot  Tomb Raider |  dj 17.02.2024, 16:44
Remastered, Gorila fight
Screenshot  Tomb Raider |  dj 17.02.2024, 16:43
Remastered, Lars
Screenshot  Tomb Raider |  dj 17.02.2024, 16:43
Remastered, Tomb of Qualopec: Mummies
Screenshot  Tomb Raider |  dj 17.02.2024, 16:42
Remastered, Lost Valey: SkyBox
Screenshot  Tomb Raider |  dj 17.02.2024, 16:42
Remastered, Lost Valey: T-Rex
Screenshot  Tomb Raider |  dj 17.02.2024, 16:42
Remastered, City of Vilcabamba - Temple
Screenshot  Tomb Raider |  dj 17.02.2024, 16:41
Remastered, City of Vilcabamba
Screenshot  Tomb Raider |  dj 17.02.2024, 16:41
Remastered, Caves - Wolves
Screenshot  Tomb Raider |  dj 17.02.2024, 16:40
Remastered, Caves
Screenshot  Tomb Raider |  dj 17.02.2024, 16:40
Remastered, Peru - splash screen
Screenshot  Tomb Raider |  dj 17.02.2024, 16:39
Remastered, Lara\'s Home
Screenshot  Tomb Raider |  dj 17.02.2024, 16:39
Remastered, Home - splash screen
Screenshot  Tomb Raider |  dj 17.02.2024, 16:38
Remastered, Main menu
Screenshot  Wizardry 4: The Return of Werdna |  kloki38 12.02.2024, 16:57
Motýle s podivnými menami
Screenshot  Wizardry 4: The Return of Werdna |  kloki38 12.02.2024, 16:57
Light and Darkness
Screenshot  Wizardry 4: The Return of Werdna |  kloki38 12.02.2024, 16:57
Mág Chiquita
Screenshot  Wizardry 4: The Return of Werdna |  kloki38 12.02.2024, 16:56
Screenshot  Wizardry 4: The Return of Werdna |  kloki38 12.02.2024, 16:56
Whirling Dervish

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S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl, 10.12.2024
Arx Fatalis, 20.08.2024
Alchemix, 11.07.2024
Slanina 2, 29.06.2024
Firewall: Man vs. Machine, 25.06.2024
Tomb Raider II, 22.02.2024
Joust, 24.11.2023
Fortress of Dr. Radiaki, The, 01.10.2023
Rampage, 23.09.2023
Lost Vikings 2: Norse by Norsewest, 03.07.2023
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