Unreal (Demo) download

DJ OldGames

 Unreal (Demo)

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 Future Crew
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Unreal was created for the first Assembly demo party, held in Kauniainen, Finland in July 1992. Because the organizers were unable to hook up a PC to their projector, it had to be shown on a TV screen. It won first place in the PC demo competition, defeating Overload by Hysteria. The demo is classified as a megademo, in that it consists of several parts, loaded separately, with different music for each part. The soundtrack, made by Skaven and Purple Motion in an early development version of Scream Tracker 3...
rating (OldGames): 78%
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game added: 27.09.2007, 18:34 (dj)
last update: 14.11.2019, 08:58 (dj)
visits: 18758x
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