Tetris (Sega) download

DJ OldGames

 Tetris (Sega)

release year
 SEGA Enterprises Ltd.
 SEGA Enterprises Ltd.
genre / theme
 tile-matching, puzzle-solving, falling block puzzle
 Arcade, Sega Genesis (1988)
Tetris is a tile-matching puzzle video game originally designed and programmed by Alexey Pajitnov in the Soviet Union on an Elektronika 60. This is a port of Tetris for Arcade machines and Genesis/Mega Drive home consoles, developed by SEGA in 1988. The goal is to place pieces made up of four tiles in a ten-by-twenty well, organizing them into complete rows, which then disappear. As rows are cleared, the pace of the game increases and the background changes, and the game ends if the stack reaches the top of the well...
rating (OldGames): 70%
rating (Users):
game added: 30.11.2020, 14:21 (dj)
last update: 01.12.2020, 08:19 (dj)
visits: 2029x
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