Superbike Challenge download

DJ OldGames

 Superbike Challenge

release year
 Brøderbund Software, Inc.
genre / theme
 sport, motorcycle
 Atari ST, Commodore 64, PC DOS
Superbike Challenge is an improved version of the original motorcycle racing game Grand Prix 500 cc developed by Microids. In addition an stronger bikes - 1000cc - bringing minor changes to the graphics on tracks, HUD and menu. There is the chance again to multiplayer for two players in vertical split-screen through the twelve tracks (including Assen, Siverstone, Suzuka, Bugatti, Mugello, or old Hockenheim) on a stand-alone race or across the World Championship season. The selection of options - the manual / automatic transmission and three difficulty levels...
rating (OldGames): 50%
rating (Users):
game added: 30.10.2015, 11:44 (dj)
last update: 08.11.2015, 19:52 (dj)
visits: 13116x
Superbike Challenge - PC DOS, Gameplay - Suzuka
PC DOS, Gameplay - Suzuka
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