Slipstream 5000 download

DJ OldGames

 Slipstream 5000

release year
 The Software Refinery, Ltd.
 Gremlin Interactive Ltd.
genre / theme
 flight, shooter
Slipstream 5000 is a 3D racing game, where several characters and their customized skimmers compete in races around various global tourist attractions and historic venues, including the Grand Canyon and Chicago. Take over control of one of many futuristic racers which fly through courses all over the world. A very nice feature is the ability of picking up weapons during fight to keep your opponents under control...
rating (OldGames): 80%
rating (Users):
game added: 04.08.2011, 09:58 (dj)
last update: 05.08.2011, 08:30 (dj)
visits: 10346x
Slipstream 5000 - Arizona - Grand Canyon
Arizona - Grand Canyon
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