Shadow Warrior: Wanton Destruction download

DJ OldGames

 Shadow Warrior: Wanton Destruction

release year
 Sunstorm Interactive, Inc.
 3D Realms Entertainment
 3D-Action / FPS
genre / theme
 fps, addon
Wanton Destruction is an authorized add-on pack for Shadow Warrior. The game features 12 new levels, new artwork and a few new enemy replacements, such as human enemies; though they still act like their original counterparts. The WD chronicles Lo Wang's adventures after the original game. He visits his relatives in USA, but is forced to fight off Zilla's forces again. The game culminates with a battle against Master Zilla above the streets of Tokyo, which ends with Master Zilla's death...
rating (OldGames): 77%
rating (Users):
game added: 02.08.2011, 14:04 (dj)
last update: 25.05.2021, 18:53 (dj)
visits: 17518x
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