Shadow Warrior: Twin Dragon download

DJ OldGames

 Shadow Warrior: Twin Dragon

release year
 Level Infinity, Wylde Productions
 Level Infinity
 3D-Action / FPS
genre / theme
 fps, addon
Twin Dragon expansion pack was released as a free download on 7/1998. It was created by Wylde Productions and Level Infinity, and features music by Castles Music Productions. The game reveals that Lo Wang has a twin brother, Hung Lo, with whom he was separated in early childhood. Hung Lo becomes a dark person whose goal is to destroy the world. Similar to Master Zilla, he uses the creatures from the "dark side", criminal underworld and Zilla's remnants to further his goals...
rating (OldGames): 60%
rating (Users):
game added: 02.08.2011, 14:05 (dj)
last update: 25.05.2021, 18:52 (dj)
visits: 15699x
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