Přítmí (Twilight) download

DJ OldGames

 Přítmí (Twilight)

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 Numedia s.r.o
genre / theme
 point-and-click, detective
 PC Windows
Přítmí - (Twilight) is a Czech point-and-click adventure game created by Numedia (members of the Score magazine), by the authors defined as "minimalistic photokinetic thriller". Graphically the game is built using mostly static images in shades of one color, toned in the Noir style, without any animation. Twilight is dubbed and subtitled in Czech language. Game contains a serious story in a realistic environment where the player is in the role of photographer Kolář, investigating the mysterious murder at his own risk...
rating (OldGames): 60%
rating (Users):
game added: 22.06.2012, 13:30 (dj)
last update: 26.06.2012, 19:05 (dj)
visits: 12770x
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