Princess Maker download

DJ OldGames

 Princess Maker

release year
 Gainax, MicroCabin
genre / theme
 life simulation, rpg, anime, manga
 PC-98 (1991), MSX, DOS (1992), TurboGrafx CD (1995), Sharp X68000 (1997)
Princess Maker is a life simulation (bishōjo) game developed by video game and anime production company Gainax, originaly for the NEC PC-9801 system in 1991. The player is in charge of a war orphan, Maria, after defeating an evil demon. This game is similar to Princess Maker 2, but one cannot give pocket money to the daughter, and in this version, the player can send the daughter to town to view the people's opinions of her. The wardrobe is also much larger than the sequel. The first of the Princess Maker games was a popular MicroCabin game at the time of its release in 1991. It was re-released in a 'Refine Edition' with enhanced graphics and voices. There is a fan-made English and Spanish translation for the normal MSX version...
rating (OldGames): 50%
rating (Users):
game added: 06.09.2021, 10:23 (dj)
last update: 06.09.2021, 15:35 (dj)
visits: 2902x
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