Neverending Story, The download

DJ OldGames

 Neverending Story, The

release year
 Datasoft, Inc.
 Ocean Software Ltd.
genre / theme
 fantasy, text parser, puzzle solving
 Amstrad CPC, Apple II, Atari 8-bit, Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum
The Neverending Story is a text adventure based on the movie of the same name by Wolfgang Petersen (rather than the novel by Michael Ende). The world of Fantasia is about to be destroyed by the "All-consuming Nothing", it needs someone from the "Real World" to believe in it again in order to be saved from falling into oblivion. The player takes control of the young hero Atreyu who is the only one who can find the savior of Fantasia. The game uses different pictures to show the player's current location...
rating (OldGames): 55%
rating (Users):
game added: 20.09.2010, 22:01 (dj)
last update: 21.10.2020, 16:14 (dj)
visits: 10396x
Neverending Story, The - Commodore 64, Start game...
Commodore 64, Start game...
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