Mario Teaches Typing download

DJ OldGames

 Mario Teaches Typing

release year
 Interplay Entertainment Corp.
 Interplay Entertainment Corp.
genre / theme
 educational, typing, platform, side scrolling
 PC DOS, Macintosh
Mario Teaches Typing was released on personal computers and was designed to teach typing skills to children. The game was developed and published by Interplay Productions. It was first released for MS-DOS in 1992 and then for Windows and Macintosh in 1994. Mario is voiced by Ronald B. Ruben in the floppy disk version and by Charles Martinet in the CD-ROM version, making this the first time Martinet voiced the character. The players can choose one of four games, of progressing difficulty (as either Mario, Luigi or the Princess): Mario's Smash & Dash, Mario's Wet World Challenge, Mario's Tunnel Of Doom, Mario's Expert Express.
rating (OldGames): 75%
rating (Users):
game added: 11.10.2021, 20:49 (dj)
last update: 17.10.2021, 17:27 (dj)
visits: 3902x
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