Kilosoft Pacho 98 download

DJ OldGames

 Kilosoft Pacho 98

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 platform, 2D scrolling
Kilosoft Pacho '98 is a classic 2D action platformer from the Slovak developer Jozef Šebo alias KiloSoft, based on the film comedy by Martin Ťapák - Pacho the Brigand of Hybe, parodying the Jánošík myth. The game contains 4 large levels, each of which is situated in a unique environment and always starts with a Slovak-dubbed introduction. Pacho fighting against a variety of enemies, from bees, through soldiers, which to various hellish creatures. To proceed, it is necessary to collect colored "keys", which in this case, however, are in the form of toilet paper. There are also logical puzzles and various traps...
rating (OldGames): 50%
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game added: 12.03.2022, 19:34 (dj)
last update: 14.03.2022, 08:43 (dj)
visits: 4025x
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