Hi-Octane download

DJ OldGames


release year
 Bullfrog Productions, Ltd.
 Electronic Arts, Inc.
genre / theme
 sci-fi, vehicular combat
 PlayStation, SEGA Saturn (1995), PC DOS (1996), PlayStation 3, PSP (2010)
Hi-Octane is a racing/vehicular combat video game and based upon their earlier Magic Carpet game code. The game offers a choice of six hovercraft vehicles differentiated by their top speed, armour, firepower, weight and appearance. There are six tracks to race on. The weapons available are minigun and missile. Booster allows to increase the car's speed for a short time, recharging with time. The boost uses small amounts of Missile ammo...
rating (OldGames): 73%
rating (Users):
game added: 03.10.2011, 17:51 (Liso)
last update: 03.10.2011, 18:11 (dj)
visits: 13871x
Hi-Octane - PC DOS, Gameplay
PC DOS, Gameplay
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