Frogger download

DJ OldGames


release year
 Konami Industry Co. Ltd.
 Sega / Gremlin
genre / theme
 Arcade (1981), Atari 8-bit, ZX81 (1982), Atari 2600, Atari 5200, Coleco, Intellivision, C64, Apple II, DOS, TRS80, MSX (1983), PlayStation, Windows (1997), Game Boy, GBC, SNES, Genesis (1998), Xbox 360 (2006), iOS (2008), Android (2010)
Frogger is a 1981 arcade game developed by Konami and originally published by Sega. Frogger was positively received as one of the greatest video games ever made and followed by several clones and sequels. The game found its way into popular culture, including television and music. The object of the game is to direct frogs to their homes one by one by crossing a busy road and navigating a river full of hazards. The game starts with three, five, or seven frogs, depending on the settings used by the operator. Losing them all ends the game. The only player control is the 4 direction joystick used to navigate the frog; each push in a direction causes the frog to hop once in that direction. Frogger is either single-player or two players alternating...
rating (OldGames): 60%
rating (Users):
game added: 28.01.2021, 18:33 (dj)
last update: 30.01.2021, 14:43 (dj)
visits: 3404x
Frogger - Arcade, Gameplay
Arcade, Gameplay
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