Formula One Grand Prix (World Circuit) download

DJ OldGames

 Formula One Grand Prix (World Circuit)

release year
 MicroProse Software, Inc.
 MicroProse Software, Inc.
genre / theme
 formula 1, driving
 Amiga, Atari ST (1991), PC DOS (1992)
Formula One Grand Prix (known as World Circuit in the United States) is a simulation of Formula One racing, designed and programmed by racing game specialist Geoff Crammond, and was noted for its 3D graphics and attention to detail, in particular the players ability to edit the teams and drivers and set up their car to their own personal specifications. Formula 1 Grand Prix includes all 16 international GP circuits of 1991. You may drive them in quick race mode, single race or a full championship...
rating (OldGames): 82%
rating (Users):
game added: 01.04.2010, 08:38 (dj)
last update: 29.08.2012, 20:00 (dj)
visits: 25538x
Formula One Grand Prix (World Circuit) - PC, Race
PC, Race
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