FIFA Soccer 96 download

DJ OldGames

 FIFA Soccer 96

release year
 Extended Play Productions
 Electronic Arts, Inc.
genre / theme
 soccer, football
 PC DOS, Sega Game Gear, Genesis, Sega 32X, Sega Saturn, PlayStation, SNES
FIFA 96 is the third entry in the FIFA Series and its tagline was Next Generation Soccer. Also, the game was the first in the series to feature real-time 3D graphics on the Sega Saturn, PlayStation, 32X, and DOS versions, using technology called "Virtual Stadium". The SNES and Genesis editions used the FIFA 95 engine. It is also the first in the series to present players with real player names and positions, with ranking, transfer and team customisation tools...
rating (OldGames): 79%
rating (Users):
game added: 23.09.2011, 18:39 (dj)
last update: 14.10.2020, 08:33 (dj)
visits: 21236x
FIFA Soccer 96 - PC DOS
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