Powerslave (Exhumed) download

DJ OldGames

 Powerslave (Exhumed)

release year
 Lobotomy Software, Inc.
 Playmates Interactive Entertainment, Inc. / BMG
 3D-Action / FPS
genre / theme
 FPS, egypt setting
 SEGA Saturn, PC DOS, Windows 3.x (1996), PlayStation (1997)
PowerSlave (Exhumed in European) is a first-person shooter, developed by Lobotomy Software. PowerSlave is set in an area around the ancient Egyptian city of Karnak in the late 20th century. The city has been seized by unknown forces, with a special crack team of hardened soldiers sent to the valley of Karnak, to uncover the source of this trouble. However on the journey there, the player's helicopter is shot down and the player barely escapes. Throughout the game, gameplay follows a standard first-person shooter formula. Familiar elements from the genre, such as collecting keys to open doors in a level, are present...
rating (OldGames): 70%
rating (Users):
game added: 19.02.2010, 20:06 (dj)
last update: 19.05.2021, 15:56 (dj)
visits: 27051x
Powerslave (Exhumed) - PC, Start in Abu Simbel...
PC, Start in Abu Simbel...
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