Earthworm Jim download

DJ OldGames

 Earthworm Jim

release year
 Shiny Entertainment, Inc.
 Activision, Inc.
genre / theme
 platform, shoot `em up
 Sega Genesis, SNES (1994), PC DOS, Windows, Game Boy, Game Gear (1995), Sega Master System (1996), GBA (2001), Wii (2008)
Earthworm Jim is a run and gun platform video game starring an earthworm named Jim in a robotic suit who battles evil. The gameplay of Earthworm Jim is very bizarre, to say the least. Launching cows, using Jim's head as a whip, and other bizarre twists add to the insanity. The player controls Jim at all times of the game. In the level sections, Jim can run, use his gun, swing on hooks, and get powerups for the blaster. The in-between levels called Andy Asteroids place Jim in a semi-3D race against the evil Psycrow...
rating (OldGames): 81%
rating (Users):
game added: 29.06.2009, 17:31 (dj)
last update: 17.10.2020, 01:48 (dj)
visits: 17838x
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