Dragon Breed download

DJ OldGames

 Dragon Breed

release year
 Irem, Activision (ports)
genre / theme
 arcade, shooter, fantasy, side view
 Arcade (1989), Amiga, Amstrad CPC, Atari ST, Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum (1990)
Dragon Breed (Doragon Burīdo) is a horizontally scrolling shooter video game produced by Irem and released in arcades in 1989. It runs on M72 and M81 hardware. Activision released home computer ports in 1990. The player controls King Kayus, who rides a large dragon named Bahamoot. Bahamoot is immune to enemy attacks, capable of blocking most projectiles and damaging enemies on contact; Kayus, however, is not, but is armed with a forward-firing crossbow. Bahamoot's body is flexible and responds to Kayus' movement, enabling Kayus to use Bahamoot as a mobile shield or as a whip-like weapon. The player can also circle the tail around a group of enemies to kill them. The tail of the yellow or blue dragon can be coiled around the player to offer almost complete invulnerability for a limited time...
rating (OldGames): 70%
rating (Users):
game added: 26.07.2021, 07:36 (dj)
last update: 26.07.2021, 15:09 (dj)
visits: 1843x
Dragon Breed - Arcade - Gameplay
Arcade - Gameplay
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