Donkey download

DJ OldGames


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 Bill Gates, Neil Konzen
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Donkey, often known by its file name DONKEY.BAS, was a computer game written in 1981 and included with early versions of the PC-DOS operating system distributed with the original IBM PC. DONKEY.BAS was written by Bill Gates and Neil Konzen to demonstrate the IBM PC and the BASIC programming language's capability to produce interactive programs with color graphics and sound. Donkey is an extremely simple driving game in which the player controls a car but cannot steer, accelerate or brake, only changing lanes to avoid a series of donkeys on the road. There is no goal other than to avoid donkeys. The game uses the CGA display mode, the only colour graphics mode available on the original IBM PC...
rating (OldGames): 15%
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game added: 30.03.2013, 11:39 (dj)
last update: 30.03.2013, 12:42 (dj)
visits: 8388x
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