CyClones download

DJ OldGames


release year
 Raven Software Corporation
 Strategic Simulations, Inc. (SSI)
 3D-Action / FPS
genre / theme
 sci-fi, shooter, stealth, 1st-person
CyClones is a 1994 first-person shooter developed by Raven Software and published by Strategic Simulations. It is notable for pioneering the use of mouse-controlled aiming in a first-person shooter. The player controls the "HAVOC unit" in a series of missions given by the Earth government to confront and push back the alien invaders and their clone servants. The gameplay follows the standard first-person shooter formula set by Doom the year before, requiring the player to navigate several levels while fighting enemies and activating switches or seeking keys to gain access to different areas. The storyline for CyClones is set in the closing of the 20th century, when wars and pollution devastated many countries in the world and led to a policy of isolation for many governments...
rating (OldGames): 70%
rating (Users):
game added: 11.12.2020, 12:21 (dj)
last update: 15.01.2021, 22:10 (dj)
visits: 4025x
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