Cool World download

DJ OldGames

 Cool World

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 Ocean Software Ltd.
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 Amiga, Atari ST, Commodore 64, PC DOS, SNES (1992), Game Boy, NES (1993)
Cool World is a 2D action platformer video game based on the live-action/animated film of the same name directed by Ralph Bakshi. Players control Frank Harris (Brad Pitt in movie), chief of the Cool World police department. He must prevent the Doodles (evil cartoons) from stealing items from the real world and sending them to various locations in the cartoonish Cool World. Doodles can be defeated by being turned into ink blots using Frank's pen. The player must collect coins that defeated doodles leave behind to pay for access to the game's various locations...
rating (OldGames): 50%
rating (Users):
game added: 11.09.2014, 07:03 (dj)
last update: 11.09.2014, 09:25 (dj)
visits: 10443x
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