Batman download

DJ OldGames


release year
 Ocean Software Ltd.
 Ocean Software Ltd.
genre / theme
 adventure, isometric, puzzle
 Amstrad CPC, Amstrad PCW, MSX, ZX Spectrum
Batman is a 1986 3D isometric action-adventure game by Ocean Software for the Amstrad CPC, MSX, ZX Spectrum and the first Batman game developed. The object of the game is to rescue Robin by collecting the seven parts of the Batcraft hovercraft that are scattered around the Batcave. The gameplay takes place in a 3D isometric universe, which programmer Jon Ritman and artist Bernie Drummond would further develop for 1987's Head Over Heels, and is notable for implementing an early example of a save game system that allows players to restart from an intermediate point in the game on the loss of all lives rather than returning all the way to the start...
rating (OldGames): 50%
rating (Users):
game added: 03.12.2020, 13:51 (dj)
last update: 05.12.2020, 09:43 (dj)
visits: 2768x
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