
DJ OldGames

Gorky 17

 Gorky 17
Gorky 17
1999, Metropolis Software House / Monolith Productions, Inc.
Gorky 17 (released as Odium in North America) is a turn-based tactics tactical role-playing game developed by Polish developer Metropolis Software. The game features two modes: In the real-time 'exploration' mode, the player controls game characters using a mouse in a point-and-click manner to navigate the player characters through the city as well as interacting with various objects in the game world. Combat takes place in preset encounters located in specific areas of each level map. In the combat mode, the screen is divided into squares with player and computer-controlled characters taking turns trying to eliminate the opposing party...
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 » Covers, PC Windows: Odi-Um - US Release  - 08.12.2019,
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