Contributions - reviews, solutions, documents and informations for Old Games

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Theme   Contributions - reviews, solutions, documents and informations for Old Games

created by: dj, 07.03.2009, 12:40
modified by: dj, 07.02.2017, 09:24
Here, you may post reviews for some old games on this web pages...
Here, you may post reviews for some old games on this web pages, and if its quality will be good, we post it to and you will be rewarded by Premium account...
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Jose Luis De Mou Jose Luis De Mou   | Star Wars - Episode 1 Battle For Naboo PC Game 06.05.2021, 17:54:17     Reply   edit  delete 
Hi, My name is Jose Luis De Moura, I grew up watching Star Wars movies and playing all their games that I could.

I decided to make an installer for the game Star Wars®: Episode I Battle for Naboo™ so that I can play again this flight action console game on the new windows: Vista, 7, 8.0, 8.1 and 10 (32-bits or 64-bits) operating systems, because the game was designed to run on old Windows, 95, 98, 2000 or ME, all 32-bits operating systems, 20 years ago.

Today the real CD/DVD drive is practically not used to play computer games, so I designed and created a solver to fix the problem that the game is displayed in new windows systems, when it asks to insert the game CD in the CD drive to be able to play it, even with the ISO image is mounted.

I re-wrote the troubleshooting guide to provide you with information about how to install and configure Star Wars®: Episode I Battle for Naboo™ in the new windows Vista, 7, 8.0, 8.1 and 10 (32-bits or 64-bits) operating systems.

This setup installs the original game on Windows: Vista, 7, 8.0, 8.1 and 10 (32-bits & 64-bits), the game is not modified, cracked or patched. Only Repacked.

It is dedicated to my son Gustavo De Moura and I share it with all of us who played this and many other Star Wars games.

If you want to support the time and effort dedicated to these project and to continue bringing other amazing old games to the present, you can make a donation through PayPal or AirTM, it would be of great help to me. Thanks a lot.

Download game:
Attachment Attachments
Fushko_6094112911924_01_-_Start_Launcher_Screen.jpg Fushko_6094112912922_Installer_Screen.jpg Fushko_6094112913caf_Game_Start_Screen_16-9.jpg
DJ DJ   | Dungeon Mapper 27.11.2013, 10:50:26     Reply   edit  delete 
In recent days I'm working on my Mapping Tool for simply drawing maps of "old" dungeon crawlers.
This editor "Dungeon Mapper" is a cross-platform browser-based tool and you can draw your maps online or offline with export to text file (or store map on server and publish for others).

Please check the main theme in the Slovak discussion thread (sorry for non-english version, but you can use that google translation feature at the top), where is description and last updates...
Attachment Attachments
dj_editor-021r.jpg dj_editor-024r.jpg
code120 code120   |  05.06.2012, 19:31:43     Reply   edit  delete 
DosBox and Autohotkey - A short guide

Autohotkey is a program that can intercept inputs (from keyboard, mouse or even
joystick) and send to the OS a different input, on the base of instructions
coded in a script. This is useful for a lot of programs, like word processors,
and it also allows to create keyboard shortcuts, or the use of mouse/joystick
buttons and the mouse wheel, in programs that don't support them, like DosBox.

Ahk can recognize the active window and the script can be made to affect a
single program. You can therefore create a script that binds the mouse wheel or
extra buttons to certain keys if DosBox is the active window. Even better, you
can have different instructions (and different bindings) for most programs that
are executed in DosBox, since Ahk can recognize a window also from its title bar
(where the name of the .EXE launched in DosBox appears).

Once the script has been created, if Ahk is installed and the script is
executed, it will run in the background and it will affect only the kind of
window (that is, the program) that has been secified in the script, without
affecting the rest of the OS.
You can create a script with the notepad, then save it with the .ahk extension
and launch it with Autohotkey installed.


An hotkey has the following syntax:



Send hello

Will write 'hello' if you press Ctrl+s

Send, {Enter}{Right}{Right}{Enter}

Ctrl+s will correspond to the keys Enter, 2 x right arrow, Enter pressed in

In the [hotkey] part you can use these symbols:

! Alt
^ Control
+ Shift
~ When the hotkey fires, its key's native function will not be blocked.
* Wildcard: Fire the hotkey even if extra modifiers are being held down.

Other symbols can be found here:

Here you find a comprehensive list of keys, mouse and joystick buttons that can
be used in Ahk.

The [instruction] part consists mostly in SendEvent (or Send) commands.
Here special keys must be enclosed in brackets.

Here is a list of special keys used with SendEvent:


An example of script that can be useful for DosBox:


; The script is organized in blocks. Every block that starts with a #ifWinActive
; command will run independently form the others. More than 1 block (even all of
; them, if conditions are met) can run at the same time.

SetTitleMatchMode, 2

;/// this will make Ahk search the string stated in the #ifWinActive lines in
;/// the whole length of the title bar, allowing you to create shortcuts
;/// for nearly all DosBox programs you could want to create them for.

#ifWinActive, ahk_class SDL_app

;/// this block will be active for every program run in DosBox, since it's the
;/// simple identifier for the DosBox window. I bound the key [,] and [.]
;/// to mouse wheel up and down. You can choose the key you want.
;/// It is better to bind keys that aren't commonly used, though, otherwise
;/// they could conflict with keys used by some programs.
;/// After you've bound the keys in the script, you'll have to bind them in
;/// DosBox, with Ctrl+F1 you can launch the keymapper, just choose the key
;/// you want to bind to the wheel, then press 'Add' and move the wheel
;/// when asked to press a key.

SendEvent {, Down}
Sleep 200
SendEvent {, Up}

SendEvent {. Down}
Sleep 200
SendEvent {. Up}

;\\\ XButton1 and XButton2 are two extra mouse buttons (Web back/forward) that
;\\\ can be found on certain mice. Here they're bound to Ins and Del keys.

SendEvent {Ins Down}
Sleep 200
SendEvent {Ins Up}

SendEvent {Del Down}
Sleep 200
SendEvent {Del Up}

; this block is active with Elders Scrolls: Daggerfall.

#ifWinActive, Program: FALL

SendEvent {v Down}
Sleep 200
SendEvent {v Up}

SendEvent {NumpadSub Down}
Sleep 200
SendEvent {NumpadSub Up}

; this block is active with Wrath of Earth. It allows to change weapon with the
; mouse wheel.

#ifWinActive, WOE

Weapon := 1

Weapon := ++Weapon
if Weapon = 8
Weapon := 1
SendEvent {%Weapon% Down}
Sleep 200
SendEvent {%Weapon% Up}

Weapon := --Weapon
if Weapon = 0
Weapon := 7
SendEvent {%Weapon% Down}
Sleep 200
SendEvent {%Weapon% Up}

; this block is active with Wizardry VI.

#ifWinActive, WROOT
WinWaitActive, WROOT
ifWinActive, WROOT
Send, {Enter}{Enter}
Send, {Enter}
Send, {Enter}{Right}{Right}{Enter}
Send, {Enter}{Down}{Enter}{Down}{Enter}
Send, {Enter}{Down}{Enter}{Down}{Right}{Enter}
Send, {Enter}{Down}{Enter}{Down}{Down}{Enter}
Send, {Enter}{Down}{Enter}{Down}{Down}{Right}{Enter}
Send, {Enter}{Down}{Enter}{Down}{Down}{Down}{Enter}
Send, {Enter}{Down}{Enter}{Down}{Down}{Down}{Right}{Enter}
Send, {Enter}
Sleep 50
Send, {Right}
;Sleep 50
Send, {Right}
;Sleep 50
Send, {Down}
;Sleep 50
Send, {Enter}
Sleep 100
Send, {Enter}
Send, {Enter}
Sleep 100
Send, {Right}{Right}{Down}{Enter}
Sleep 100
Send, {Down}{Down}{Enter}
Sleep 100
Send, {Down}{Enter}


; this block is active with F117 Stealth Fighter II.

#ifWinActive, VGAME ; F117

Joy17::Send {F1}
Joy18::Send {Shift Down},{Shift Up}
Joy19::Send {Shift Down}-{Shift Up}
Joy20::Send {Shift Down}m{Shift Up}
Lennejo Lennejo   | Amberstar: PC vs Amiga version 02.04.2009, 18:43:05     Reply   edit  delete 
Is there any difference between PC and Amiga versions of the Amberstar? I'd like to get maximum pleasure from playing this, so which version would you recommend?
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