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 Stainless Software Ltd.

Logo Stainless Games is a video game developer based on the Isle of Wight that specialises in developing downloadable games for Microsoft Windows and the Xbox 360's Xbox Live Arcade. They are most well known for developing the multimillion-selling Carmageddon franchise.

Originally named Stainless Software, the company was founded in 1993 by industry veteran Patrick Buckland, and Neil Bardon, previously a senior designer at Conran and The Body Shop. Starting out with sub-contracted 3D engine work for Argonaut Games, and developing medical multimedia titles for the Times Mirror Group, the company then went on to develop what later became Carmageddon for SCi. This was launched amidst much controversy over its violent content in 1997 but garnered high review scores thanks to its compelling gameplay and many ground-breaking features (including a fully-featured physics engine - a world-first for video games). Stainless released a sequel, Carmageddon II in 1998. Subsequent versions of the franchise (including TDR2000) were contracted by SCi to other developers.

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last modification: 12.05.2009, 08:44 (dj)

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