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 Digital Fusion, Inc.

Logo Pepe Moreno is a Spanish comic book artist, writer and pioneer video game developer who has been drawing professionally in Spain, other countries in Europe and in the US since the 1970s. He is best known in the United States for his 1990 digital graphic novel, Batman: Digital Justice, published by DC Comics. He has also created a 1994 computer game, Hell Cab, for Time Warner's Interactive Media Group.
As President of Digital Fusion, Pepe Moreno has also an extensive video game background and is the creator and designer of a multitude of very successful products such as the BeachHead brand of games marketed by Infogrames (Atari). BeachHead 2000, BeachHead 2002 and BeachHead Desert War. The arcade versions of BeachHead games have consistently ranked as number one in the US. In another pioneering effort and way back when the term "casual game" and downloading games from the Internet was not even a concept DFI, in association with Trymedia and their advanced copy protection technology (Digital Rights Management), pioneered a new form of electronic game distribution via downloads.
last modification: 19.01.2009, 17:15 (dj)

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 Tomb Raider II, 22.02.2024
 Joust, 24.11.2023
 Fortress of Dr. Radiaki, The, 01.10.2023
 Rampage, 23.09.2023
 Lost Vikings 2: Norse by Norsewest, 03.07.2023
 Falcon, 03.05.2023
 Metal Gear, 18.10.2022
 Clock Tower, 26.09.2022
 RoboCop 2, 09.05.2022
 Ztracený ostrov, 01.05.2022
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