Level 24
Vo svojom treťom ročníku prichádza prvé číslo Levelu roku 1997 so 16 stránkami naviac, bez zvýšenia ceny časopisu, tj. celkovo 116. Zväčšil sa tak priestor pre recenzie hier na PC a Playstation, Amiga sekcia ostala bez zmeny. Na obálke je renderovaný obrázok Lary Croft z hry Tomb Raider, ktorá je v tomto čísle recenzovaná z PlayStation verzie...
release date: |
05.01.1997 |
issue number: |
24 |
price: |
39 Kč / 49 Sk |
magazine added to OldGames.sk: 10.06.2013, 11:19 (dj)
last update: 10.06.2013, 12:48 (dj)
author of scan: ?
issue pages: 60 [ 1-60/116 ] |
(1) Level, III ročník, Leden 1997
(2) reklama - Chip Special
(3) Úvodník, Názor redaktorů
(7) Obsah Level CD 24, Pomoc
(9) Preview: Magic the Gathering
(10) Preview: Conquest Earth, Test Drive Off Road
(11) Preview: Dark Colony, Gooka
(12) Realms of the Haunting
(13) Realms of the Haunting
(14) Master of Orion 2: Battle at Antares
(15) Master of Orion 2: Battle at Antares
(16) Command & Conquer: Red Alert
(17) Command & Conquer: Red Alert
(18) Leisure Suit Larry 7: Love for Sail!
(19) Leisure Suit Larry 7: Love for Sail!
(28) Privateer 2: The Darkening
(29) Privateer 2: The Darkening
(34) Lords of the Realm II
(35) Lords of the Realm II
(57) cennik - JRC Direct Leden
(58) The Complete Great Naval Battles - The Final Fury
(59) The Complete Great Naval Battles - The Final Fury
(60) Admiral: Sea Battles
issue pages: 60 [ 1-60/116 ] |