Super Star Wars download

DJ OldGames

 Super Star Wars

release year
 LucasArts, Sculptured Software
 JVC Musical Industries, Inc.
genre / theme
 sci-fi, platform, 2D scrolling, run and gun
 SNES (1992), PlayStation 4, PS Vita (2015)
Super Star Wars is an action platformer game released in 1992 for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System based on the 1977 film Star Wars. Super Star Wars features side-scrolling run and gun gameplay, although it has stages which feature other challenges, such as driving a landspeeder or piloting an X-wing. It also features multiple playable characters with different abilities (Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Chewbacca the Wookiee). Most of the stages consist of R&G and platforming gameplay, with several different upgrades available to the standard blaster weapon. Luke can also wield a lightsaber after acquiring it from Obi Wan Kenobi. The end of the game has players reenacting Luke's Death Star trench run to destroy the Death Star, with Darth Vader confronting the player in his TIE Advanced x1...
rating (OldGames): 70%
rating (Users):
game added: 10.09.2021, 12:43 (dj)
last update: 23.09.2021, 16:31 (dj)
visits: 2854x
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