Super Castlevania IV download

DJ OldGames

 Super Castlevania IV

release year
 Konami Industry Co. Ltd.
 Konami Industry Co. Ltd.
genre / theme
 platform, metroidvania, adventure, horror, vampire
 SNES (1991)
Super Castlevania IV is a side-scrolling platform game developed and published by Konami for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System in 1991. Following the same setting as original Castlevania on the NES, the game takes place in 1691 Transylvania, where the vampire hunter Simon Belmont must defeat the vampire Dracula. The gameplay consists of traversing timed, linear platform stages, defeating enemies with the whip or sub-weapons that require collecting hearts and can be found by destroying parts of the scenery. Simon's stand-out ability in this installment are eight-directional attacks with his whip, which allow him, among others, to damage enemies standing below and above him. The game uses 16-bit graphics featuring SNES Mode 7 with effects such as parallax scrolling, rotating rooms, and pseudo-3D objects in some locations...
rating (OldGames): 81%
rating (Users):
game added: 25.03.2021, 17:37 (dj)
last update: 31.03.2021, 01:03 (dj)
visits: 2974x
Super Castlevania IV - SNES, Medusa
SNES, Medusa
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