NAM is an FPS game, based on Build engine, designed by the TNT Team (Reactor4). The game itself is very similar to Duke Nukem 3D. Very little was changed in regards to controls, movement rate, physics. As Alan Mason, a Marine Corps sergeant, you are sent behind the enemy lines, but the raid turns to a total warfare. You are to fight your way through the jungle, with weapons like M16, M60, M79 and LAW. The missions categorize from urban gun battles, through sneaking in the thick jungles to the man-made tunnels under the ground...
rating (OldGames): 58%
game added: 09.11.2010, 12:54 (dj)
last update: 15.01.2021, 22:26 (dj)
visits: 27086x
Level 2 - Start...