Terramex download

DJ OldGames


release year
 Teque Software Development Limited
 Grandslam Interactive Ltd.
genre / theme
 platform, adventure, puzzle, side view
 Atari ST (1987), Amiga, Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64, MSX, ZX Spectrum (1988)
Terramex (Cosmic Relief: Prof. Renegade to the Rescue in US) is an action platform adventure game developed by Teque Software and released in 1987 for home computers. The goal is to find Professor Eistrain (Eyestrain - `eye strain`) in his secret laboratory. The professor predicted that a meteor was moving towards Earth and its course was threatened by a collision. The gameplay mainly consists of jumping over chasms, collecting a mysterious set of items and dodging many villains such as flying lizards, giant water droplets, and tentacles that appear unexpectedly from under the rocks. Progress is hindered by various puzzles, which are usually solved by choosing the correct items from those available...
rating (OldGames): 65%
rating (Users):
game added: 31.07.2021, 11:54 (dj)
last update: 06.08.2021, 18:49 (dj)
visits: 1757x
Terramex - Amiga, Gameplay
Amiga, Gameplay
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