Superfrog download

DJ OldGames


release year
 Team17 Software Limited
 Team17 Software Limited
genre / theme
 platform, side-scrolling
 Amiga (1993), Amiga CD32, PC DOS (1994)
Superfrog is a 2D Platform game developed for the Amiga and then converted for the PC. There are 24 regular levels divided in six differently themed worlds. The goal of each level is to collect a number of coins and then reach the exit (the levels are also on time). Depending on the number of coins and fruit collected and on how fast the player finished the level a number of up to 15 credits are awarded at the end of each level. The story is about a prince (inspired from the Frog Prince fairy tale) who is turned into a frog by a witch...
rating (OldGames): 70%
rating (Users):
game added: 28.04.2010, 16:51 (dj)
last update: 31.05.2017, 15:51 (dj)
visits: 15971x
Superfrog - PC, Level 1...
PC, Level 1...
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