Mortal Kombat II download

DJ OldGames

 Mortal Kombat II

release year
 Midway Games, Inc.
 Acclaim Entertainment, Inc.
genre / theme
 fighting, arcade, martial arts
 Arcade (1993), Amiga, PC DOS, Game Boy, Game Gear, Genesis, Master System, SNES (1994), SEGA 32X (1995), PlayStation, SEGA Saturn (1996), PlayStation 3 (2007)
Mortal Kombat II (commonly abbreviated as MKII) is a competitive fighting game originally produced by Midway Games for the arcades in 1993 and then ported to multiple home systems. MKII was the second game in the Mortal Kombat series, improving the gameplay and expanding the mythos of the original Mortal Kombat, notably introducing multiple and varied Fatalities and several iconic characters, such as Kitana, Kung Lao, Mileena and the series' recurring villain, Shao Kahn. The game's plot continues on from the first part, featuring the next MK tournament being set in the otherdimensional realm of Outworld...
rating (OldGames): 75%
rating (Users):
game added: 16.04.2013, 10:13 (dj)
last update: 14.10.2020, 19:53 (dj)
visits: 14500x
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