Metroid download

DJ OldGames


release year
 Nintendo R&D1
genre / theme
 sci-fi, platform
 Family Computer Disk System (1986), NES (1987), Gameboy Advance (2004), Wii (2007), Nintendo 3DS (2011), Wii U (2013)
Metroid is an action-adventure video game, and the first entry in the Metroid series. It was co-developed by Nintendo's Research and Development 1 division, produced by Gunpei Yokoi and directed by Satoru Okada, with music composed by Hirokazu Tanaka. Set on the planet Zebes, the story follows Samus Aran as she attempts to retrieve Metroid creatures that were stolen by Space Pirates, who plan to replicate the Metroids by exposing them to beta rays and then use them as biological weapons to destroy Samus and all who oppose them. The game's style, focusing on exploration and the search for power-ups that are used to reach previously inaccessible areas, influenced other video games...
rating (OldGames): 80%
rating (Users):
game added: 20.04.2012, 17:08 (dj)
last update: 26.10.2020, 09:51 (dj)
visits: 9659x
Metroid - NES, Gameplay
NES, Gameplay
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