Mad Dog McCree download

DJ OldGames

 Mad Dog McCree

release year
 American Laser Games, Inc.
genre / theme
 FMV, shooter, interactive movie
 Arcade (1990), PC DOS, Sega CD (1993), 3DO, CD-i, Macintosh (1994), PC Windows (2002), Nintendo Wii (2009) - Gunslinger Pack
Mad Dog McCree is the first live-action laserdisc video game released by American Laser Games as coin-op machine. It gained a lot of attention for its real-video style, bearing similarities to recent Hollywood westerns. The game is the first of several to use the same simple engine, in which almost all possible actions are performed using the player's six-shooter, controlled by a mouse or light gun in the PC version. The player assumes the first-person role of `the stranger` who must save a town and its people from a murderous gunslinger, called Mad Dog McCree, and his gang of ruthless outlaws...
rating (OldGames): 50%
rating (Users):
game added: 22.10.2011, 13:47 (dj)
last update: 26.10.2011, 20:54 (dj)
visits: 15048x
Mad Dog McCree - PC DOS, TItle
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