Escape from Hell download

DJ OldGames

 Escape from Hell

release year
 Electronic Arts, Inc.
 Electronic Arts, Inc.
genre / theme
 sci-fi, horror, comedy, turn-based
Escape from Hell is a role-playing game that uses the Wasteland engine. Richard's party navigates the top-down environments, encountering and interacting with characters, friendly and otherwise. Compared to Wasteland, the role-playing system is simpler, with more traditional leveling up and more focus on combat abilities. Despite its horror premise, Escape from Hell contains many comedic elements. Many of the weapons and other accessories have funny names, much of the dialogue is humorous, and characters who join Richard's party are popular historical or fictional figures such as Stalin, Genghis Khan, Hamlet, Mozart, and others...
rating (OldGames): 65%
rating (Users):
game added: 22.04.2012, 11:34 (dj)
last update: 30.11.2018, 08:40 (dj)
visits: 11200x
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